California Air Resources Board Offset Program for Mine Methane Capture (MMC) Projects

Last updated: 13 September 2022

The California Air Resources Board’s Compliance Offset Protocol Mine Methane Capture (MMC) Projects establishes eligibility rules and methodology for quantifying greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions associated with methane capture and destruction strategies in active and abandoned coal mines. To ensure uniformity quantifying GHG emissions, methane capture and destruction projects are required to use the protocol for quantifying and reporting GHGs and submit annual independent verification. These can generate tradable offset credits under the California Greenhouse Gas Cap-and-Trade Program, which may be used to fulfil up to 8% of compliance requirements. 

The protocol expanded coal mine methane project eligibility beyond pipeline injection projects to four additional activities related to methane capture and destruction or recovery: 
1) Install a collection system for ventilation air methane in active underground mines;
2) Methane drainage (i.e. pre-mining surface wells, pre-mining in-mine boreholes or post-mining gob wells) in active underground mines;
3) Methane drainage in active surface mines, including systems for abandoned wells that are reactivated or converted dewatering wells;
4) Methane recovery at abandoned underground mines. 

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