Participation in Baltic Energy Efficiency Group (BEEG)

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 8 April 2019
Poland participated in the Baltic Energy Efficiency Group (BEEG), one of four working groups established by the Energy Ministers of the Baltic Sea countries at their Stavanger Ministerial on 2 December 1998. The task of the group was to assess energy efficiency options and potentials with a focus on combined heat and power (CHP) and district heating (DH). The assessment included technologies, financing and legislation.
The Group's action programme embodied:
Facility for financing small-scale energy efficiency projects, CHP and renewables;
Market Transformation Programme;
Flexible framework for improving the efficiency of collaborative projects and actions.
In order to reach this goal Energy Efficiency Development Forum (EEDF) was establiched; - "Baltic Sea Region Energy Efficiency Week" was scheduled to happen annualy.
Countries that participated in BEEG: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russia and Sweden. European Commission was represented by its the Directorate General for Transport and Energy BEEG ceased to exists in 2005.

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