Strategic Action Plan for Energy Development (2014 - 2020)

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 16 April 2021
This strategy plan puts forward energy conservation as a priority in the power, industrial, building, and transport sectors.
1. Power: By 2020, the annual primary energy consumption will be capped at 4.8 billion tons of standard coal equivalent, with the coal consumption limited to around 4.2 billion tons. The coal power plants with the capacity of over 600 MW are required to achieve the efficiency target of 300g of coal equivalent/kWh by 2020.
2. Building: The implementation of a higher national building energy efficiency standard will be accelerated, requiring a combined 75% improvement in energy efficiency compared to the building standards of the early 1980s. It is expected that in 2020, the green buildings will account for at least 50% of new buildings in the urban region. The heat market will undertake a transition to a consumption-based billing system in an accelerated pace.
3. Industry: The expansion of high-pollution and high energy-intensive industries is heavily restricted, alongside the phase-out of obsolete technologies and excess capacity. The focus is on coal-red industrial boiler (kiln) retro; district cogeneration and waste heat and pressure utilisation.
4. Transport: the focus is on development of electric car industry and energy efficient transportation, including subway trains and high speed railway system.

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