Energy technology development and demonstration programme (EUDP)

Last updated: 30 August 2024

Established in 2007, the Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Programme (EUDP) is a grant-based programme that supports pre-commercial projects in the development and demonstration of new energy technologies.

 EUDP was established to ensure that innovative technology projects are carried out that support the achievement of energy policy objectives of security of supply, Danish independence from fossil fuels, global climate concerns and a cleaner environment, and cost-effectiveness. The typical EUDP project is industry-driven and has 3-5 participants (project leader and partners), a project duration of 3 - 4 years and receives funding of DKK 2 - 15 million with a EUDP funding share of 40 – 60 %. Since its creation, the EUDP has helped funding almost 600 projects and has a remarkable track record of advancing the technological maturity level (TRL) of the funded technologies from an average of 4.3 (technology validated in a lab) to reaching an average of 7 (later stages of product development).

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