Australian Regional and Remote Communities Reliability Fund

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 17 November 2022

The Australian Regional and Remote Communities Reliability Fund will provide up to AUD 50.4 million over 5 years from 2019-20 to 2023-24. The Fund supports feasibility studies that examine microgrid technology as a way to replace, upgrade, or complement existing energy supply arrangements in off-grid and fringe-of-grid communities in regional and remote locations. Microgrids could provide more dependable, secure, and cost-effective electricity supply choices for Australia's regional and distant towns.  The intended outcomes of the Fund are:  

- viable projects to support scale-up and implementation of microgrid systems in regional and remote communities 

- increased human capital (skills and knowledge) in the design and deployment of microgrids 

- demonstrated commerciality and/or reliability and security benefits of deploying and upgrading microgrids 
- reduced barriers to microgrid uptake in remote and regional communities 

- increased dissemination of technology and/or project knowledge regarding the deployment and upgrading of microgrids.

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