Energy Effiency Law - Regulations for Buildings

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 20 July 2021

The Energy Efficiency Law includes the energy labeling of all new buildings, and establishes 2 regulations to allow the entry into force of the mandatory rating:


- Article 3 mandates the Ministry of Housing and Urbanism to develop the Regulations that regulate the procedure, requirements and conditions for the granting of energy qualification and prequalification, and its advertising.


- Article 4 creates the National Registry of Energy Evaluators, for the purposes of applying the Energy Qualification, mandating the same ministry to regulate: the registration requirements and barriers; the entities or professionals that may carry out the evaluation; the mechanisms for its evaluation; accreditation and registration; the powers to oversee compliance with the requirements, among other aspects.


Two public consultations were launched on the Regulations for the "Energy Qualification of Homes in Chile" and "National Registry of Energy Evaluators", open until June 22 and 10 respectively.


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