Strengthened ordinance (2017: 1334) on climate bonus cars
From 1 April 2021, the government changes the rules on climate bonus cars, which is to strengthen environmental management and accelerate the transition to a fossil-free vehicle fleet. The rules in the ordinance for climate bonus cars are changed by raising the bonus amount for zero-emission vehicles from SEK 60,000 to SEK 70,000. In addition, the limit for a climate bonus car’s emissions is lowered from the current limit of 70 to the new limit of 60 grams of carbon dioxide (CO2) per kilometer. The highest bonus amount for vehicles with zero emissions will be approximately SEK 45,000 in future. The purpose of the changes is to strengthen environmental management and accelerate the transition to a fossil-free vehicle fleet.Cars, light trucks and light buses with emissions below 60 grams of carbon dioxide (CO2) per kilometer can receive a bonus (subsidy). The maximum bonus for vehicles with zero emissions is SEK 70,000. The maximum bonus for vehicles with emissions above zero is approximately SEK 45,000. The size of the bonus increases the lower the emissions. Gas cars can receive a bonus of at least SEK 10,000, but not more than about SEK 45,000.Vehicles with high emissions have higher vehicle tax (malus) during the first three years. The Malus includes vehicles with emissions above 90 grams of carbon dioxide (CO2) per kilometer. The level of the malus increases in relation to the emissions. Vehicles that can be powered by alternative fuels, such as E85 (ethanol) or vehicle gas (a mixture of biogas and natural gas) are not covered by the malus.
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