Support for power generation from high efficiency cogeneration- Act on the Promotion of Energy from High-Efficiency Cogeneration

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 7 April 2022

Public support to high-efficiency power cogeneration, in the form of premiums paid to producers: 

1. Auction support scheme - in the form of a cogeneration bonus for cogeneration units (new and significantly modernized) with an installed electrical capacity between 1 MW and 50 MW 

2. Support system in the form of a guaranteed bonus (the amount of the bonus is determined by the Minister of Energy in the regulation) for cogeneration units (existing and modernized) with an installed electrical capacity between 1 and 50 MW; small cogeneration units (new, significantly modernized, existing or modernized) with a total installed electrical capacity lower than 1 MW; 

3. Support system in the form of an individual guaranteed bonus for cogeneration units (existing and modernized) with an installed electrical capacity higher than 50 MW; 

4. Support system in the form of procurement- in the form of an individual cogeneration bonus for cogeneration units (new and significantly modernized) with an installed electric capacity higher than 50 MW

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