11th Development Plan

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 5 July 2021
Within the Plan there are actions regarding EE which given below;1. Replacing inefficient electric motors used in industry with efficient onessupport mechanism will be established.2. Expansion of cogeneration systems in large industrial plants using heatwill be provided.3. Energy efficiency projects will be supported by competitions, implementation-oriented legislation and technical infrastructure will be developed.2. Dissemination of district heating and cooling and creating a heat market,4. The prosess of EE support will be improved and ptojects having high energy savings will be sopported.5. OIZs will be supported to prepare and present their Efficiency Action Plans by completing the Energy Management Unit and ISO 50001 Energy Management System.6. Increasing energy efficiency in port operations, minimizing environmental impactsGreen Port applications for downloading and ensuring sustainability will be supported.

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