JPI Urban Europe

Last updated: 24 August 2021

The strategic research and innovation agenda of the JPI Urban Europe has laid out the goal to develop European solutions for sustainable, liveable and economically strong cities of tomorrow. The program aims to address the varied research and innovation needs across Europe's urban and regional areas. It encourages smaller and less RTDI-intensive countries to participate in JPI Urban Europe's activities. To maximize commitment and relevance, a co-creative process involving stakeholders from all regions, including scientists, funding agencies, cities, businesses, industries, and civil society, was implemented. Since 2012 eight transnational calls for proposals have been conducted by the net-work of 20 participating countries, providing more than 100 Mio € in public RD&D funding, and leveraging more than 20 Mio € in private RD&D funding. The JPI Urban Europe manages the SET Plan working group on “Smart Cities and Communities” with the stated policy goal to establish “100 European urban positive energy districts” (i.e. urban districts or neighbourhoods, which, in the context of their respective regional energy system, generate more energy than they consume).

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