Call 15 (Aviso15) -FEE-RGCE Transport 2015

Source: International Energy Agency
Last updated: 14 September 2020
The Energy Efficiency Fund created by the Decree number 50/2010 is a finacial instrument. Its goals are: - to finance programs and measures planned in the National Plan for Energy Efficiency Actions (PNAEE 2016) - incentivize energy efficiency improvements both on the side of citizens and businesses. Through Specific Calls ("Avisos") it supports energy efficiency projects in the different sectors through grants : Industry, Buildings, Agriculture, Transport, and Behaviour. Project developpers apply for these financial incentives, if they meet the stated requirements specified by the Call's description. Web communication is done through the website : This call 15 aimed to support initiatives aimed at the energy management of energy intensive transport fleets. This Notice covers projects that consist of the development of energy audits and energy rationalization plans (PREn) defined in the Regulation for the Management of Energy Consumption in Transport (RGCE), approved by Ordinance No. 228/90 of March 27, and amended by Law No. 7/2013 of January 22. Were entitled to this grant: Entities with vehicle fleets with an energy consumption of more than 250 tonnes of oil equivalent, except those covered by the European Emissions Trading Scheme provided for in Decree-Law 38/2013 of 15 March. Funds to be disbursed by the FEE: 50% of total eligible expenditure and up to EUR 7 500. Total Available funds amounted to € 250,000.00 (two hundred and fifty thousand euros). Between 04 May and 3 August 2015, 9 (nine) applications for funding were received by the ESF. Eight (8) applications with a total investment amount of € 54,859.90 were approved. (fifty four thousand eight hundred fifty nine euros and ninety cents). The amount paid under Notice 15 amounted to € 10,853.10 (ten thousand eight hundred and fifty-three euros and ten cents). This represents 53% of the amount of funding presented in the Final Report and approved by the Secretary of State for Energy, 27% of the total amount of eligible investment and only about 4% of the amount available for Notice 15.

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