Workshop — Paris, France

IEA Workshop on Transport, Energy Efficiency & Behaviour


International Energy Agency (IEA) Workshop on Transport, Energy Efficiency & Behaviour, 10-11 May 2016 at the IEA Headquarters in Paris, France.

Workshop Agenda

Workshop Report: Transport, Energy Efficiency & Behaviour Workshop

Why transport?

According to the 2015 publication of the Energy Technology Perspectives, global transport demand has been growing steadily by 2% per year since 2000 and accounted for 28% of overall energy demand in 2012 (2 500 Mtoe). In order to contribute towards a 2 degree scenario, transport demand will need to become more efficient. A portfolio of approaches improving vehicle efficiency, avoiding unnecessary and energy-intensive travel and shifting to more efficient modes, and promoting the adopting of low-carbon fuels, is required.

Why participate?

This workshop presents an opportunity to gain valuable insight into the ongoing and planned work in the area of transportation behaviour worldwide. Participants will be given the opportunity to share their own research and experience with the topics dealt with in the workshop, discuss new approaches, gain insight into the perspectives of a variety of stakeholders, and influence the content and direction of a larger IEA work stream on energy efficiency and behaviour.


Welcome and Introduction
Keisuke Sadamori, Director Energy Markets and Security/Brian Motherway, Head of Energy Efficiency, IEA

SESSION 1: Demand Management

Potential Acceptance of Mobility as a Service (‘MaaS’): Business Models and Consumer Attitudes
Sonia Yeh, University of California, Davis & Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

Intelligent Transport Systems in Reducing Energy Demand in Road Transport
Phil Blythe, Department for Transport, UK

SESSION 2: Demand Management

Optimised (collaborative) Logistics to Drive Operational and CO2 Efficiencies
Martin Rapos, Energy and Mobility Director, Route Monkey, Netherlands

Stockholm's Congestion Tax: Implementation, Acceptance, and Environmental Consequences
Joel Franklin, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Dynamic Parking Pricing: Experiences in California
Wei-Shiuen Ng, International Transport Forum, France

Saving Oil in a Hurry: Demand Management Measures
Martin Young, Head of Emergency Policy Division, IEA

SESSION 3: Driving More Efficiently: Eco-driving, Feedback Systems and Vehicle Components

Encouraging Eco-driving
Conor Molloy, AEMS, Ireland

Reducing CO2 emissions from Vehicles by Encouraging Lower Carbon Car Choices and Fuel: Efficient Driving Techniques (eco-driving)
David Pryke, Department for Transport, UK

Eco-driving is a Well-Known Topic for Fuel Reduction but What is Really Behind It?
Patrick Vincent, Renault Environment Strategy Planning, France

SESSION 4: Demand Management and Vehicle Purchasing Decisions

Car Psychology and Barriers to Sustainable Mobility Behaviour
Martin Kroon, Netherlands

How Governments Promote Efficient Vehicles through Labelling Programs
Zifei Yang, International Council on Clean Transportation, USA

Encouraging Direct Reductions in Car Use
Sally Cairns, University College London, UK


SESSION 5: Fuel Switching: Promoting Electric Vehicles

Understanding Current and Future Potential PEV Buyers: Implications for Policy
John Axsen, Simon Fraser University, Canada

Growing the UK ULEV Market: Understanding People’s Motivations and Barriers
Jo Bacon and Andrew Scott, Department for Transport, UK

Basic Understanding of Consumers and Rapid Changes in Attributes of New Technology
Sonia Yeh, University of California, Davis & Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

Integrating Electric Vehicles into the Electricity System
Patrick Jochem, KIT University, Germany

SESSION 6: Fuel Switching - Promoting Electric Vehicles (continued)

Norway Electric Car Miracle
Konrad Putz, Enova, Norway

Challenges and Opportunities: Development of Electromobility in the Eastern Part of the European Union
Janos Ungar, Hungarian Electromobility Association, Hungary

Charging Infrastructure: Deficits in Interoperability, the Need for Regulation and the Berlin Approach
Hermann Blumel, Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development and Environmental Protection

Electric Vehicle Development in Chinese Cities and the Drivers
Wenjing Yi, ERI, China

SESSION 7: Attitude Towards Transport Modes and Promoting Urban Planning

Attitudes towards transport modes: a comparison between US and China
Wei Shiuen Ng, International Transport Forum, France

Promoting Urban Public Transport in India
Sandeep Garg, India

Lessons from Vancouver: Urban Planning and Transport
Holly Foxcroft, Canada

Promoting Public Transport in Bangkok
Asawin Asawutmangkul, DEDE, Thailand

SESSION 8: Real and Modelled Behaviour

Improvements in the Representation of Behaviour in Integrated Energy and Transport System Modelling
Jacopo Tattini, Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

Do Dealers Discourage EV Purchases? Findings from a Study of Retail Innovation in the U.S. Market for EVs
Eric Cahill, UC Davis, USA