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Oil Information

Annual time series of oil data including oil supply and consumption, trade and oil demand for 153 countries and 25 regions. The service is updated twice a year: in April with complete data up to year-2 and in July/August with additional provisional supply data for the year-1.

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The Oil Information data service contains time series of oil data for 38 OECD countries and 14 European non-OECD countries from 1960 to 2022, with provisional data for 2023. Country aggregates for OECD Total, OECD Americas, OECD Asia Oceania, OECD Europe, IEA Total, EU27 (excluding the United Kingdom) and EU28 are also included.

Statistics are available for detailed supply/demand balances, end-use consumption, trade by origin and destination as well as for stock levels and stock changes. Annual Oil Statistics (AOS) contains data in thousand tonnes for crude oil, NGL, and 17 petroleum products.

Some major series for oil demand and supply for the world and regional aggregates are also included up to 2023 based on preliminary data.

OECD and selected countries crude supply

Information is provided in the form of supply and demand balances, presenting indigenous production, imports, exports, stock changes and refinery intake for 38 OECD countries, 14 European non-OECD countries and 7 regional aggregates for years 1960-2022, with provisional data for 2023 (unless otherwise specified – see documentation). Data are in kilotonnes. ZIP files contain data in fixed-width TXT format.

  • File
  • OECD and selected countries crude supply

OECD and selected countries product supply and consumption

Information is provided in the form of supply and demand balances, presenting refinery gross output, recycled products, imports, exports, transfers, stock changes, international marine bunkers and gross deliveries for 38 OECD countries, 14 European non-OECD countries and 7 regional aggregates for years 1960-2022, with provisional data for 2023 (unless otherwise specified – see documentation). In addition, the table includes data on inland deliveries by sector: transformation, energy, transport, industry and other sectors, as well as the non-energy use. Data are in kilotonnes. ZIP files contain data in fixed-width TXT format.

  • File
  • OECD and selected countries product supply and consumption

OECD and selected countries imports and exports

Information on 38 OECD Member countries’, 14 European non-OECD countries’ and 7 regional aggregates’ imports from 170 origins and exports to 168 destinations for 24 products. This includes crude oil, NGLs, motor gasoline, gas/diesel oil, residual fuel oil and other refined products. Data are in kilotonnes. ZIP files contain data in fixed-width TXT format.

  • File
  • OECD and selected countries imports
  • OECD and selected countries exports

OECD and selected countries conversion factors

This table includes the average conversion factors from tonnes to barrels, for the 38 OECD countries and 14 European non-OECD countries and for 24 products. ZIP files contain data in fixed-width TXT format.

  • File
  • OECD and selected countries conversion factors

World oil statistics

Information is provided on crude oil and NGL production, refinery output, total trade and oil demand for the World, in kilotonnes and in kilobarrels per day, for 153 countries and 25 regional aggregates for years 1971-2022 and 2023 provisional production and demand data. ZIP files contain data in fixed-width TXT format.

  • File
  • World oil statistics


The service is updated twice a year: in April with complete data up to year-2 and in July/August with additional provisional supply data for the year-1.

  • 26/07/2024

    July 2024 edition

  • 17/04/2024

    April 2024 edition

  • 27/07/2023

    July 2023 edition

  • 18/04/2023

    April 2023 edition

  • 17/04/2023

    Email error re: July 2022 edition - CORRIGENDUM

  • 02/08/2022

    July 2022 edition - CORRIGENDUM

  • 20/05/2022

    May 2022 edition

  • 27/07/2021

    July 2021 edition


Expanded product description and database documentation.